Terry White’s weekly ‘Photography Master Class’ last Friday was all on how to do the whole Mobile Workflow. High-five Adobe! Want to see the Whole Workflow Start to Finish? So now you have access to your Lightroom and Photoshop workflow all on mobile as well. It’s gotten much better, and got some badly needed features, since it was first introduced last year. So, if you’ve been waiting for that smooth, easy workflow for editing your images on the go, the planets have finally aligned for you in a few quick, easy, and hiccup-free way.

It’s really great on any mobile device, but it’s stunning on an iPad Pro. Lightroom on Mobile has really matured as a product over these past few years, and it just keeps getting better. You can use the same card reader you do in your desktop workflow (provided of course, your card reader is on the new USB-C standard), so you can bring in Compact Flash Cards, and XQD or whatever cards you use in your regular workflow.

That means you’re not just restricted to Apple’s card reader, so you’re not just restricted to importing SD cards. The iPad Pro has a USB-C port, so you can use your regular card reader Now you can go straight into Lightroom sidestepping whole Camera Roll business. No more doing that dance of first importing your images to the Camera Roll, and then having to reimport them into Lightroom. Here are the two things that made all the difference in this mobile workflow: Now you can import from your camera’s memory card, directly into Lightroom Above: Lightroom’s Edit module on an iPad Pro the pain in the butt), but some changes in Lightroom, and a feature of the iPad Pro finally make it all quick and easy. I talk with so many people who really want to move to a mobile workflow using an iPad, but they struggle with the importing process, which I have to admit has been the speed bump the stumbling point (i.e.